Long time dun hav updated my blog already ! cause quite busy now a day and tired !
Let say about new year eve it was fucking bored lar ! Cause i after work then rush back home then change all stuff go fetch wing shing and lee shen ! cause we had a dunno wat party at subang plus we all dunno how to go so call ken lee wait at sunway ! shit after we pass the toll start traffic jam already ! So we almost waste about jam at the sunway almost an hours so change plan go to sunway front door count down ! Then after find parking just rush down to the car cause still got 5 minute already new year so rush to the front door lucky we are at the time ! so just lepak lepak on there then find park ling they all ! And that night a lot of people go clubbing wahh cannot tahan but we wear short pants and slipper so cant go in ! Around 1.30 go back traffic jam again so go back to steven corner arround 2.30 suan lor ! then yam cha at there around 3.30 go back home ! WAT A FUCKING BORING NEW YEAR EVE !
Then the other day olso normal work ,yam cha , eat ,sleep then ntg else ! sien !
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